Monday, September 23, 2013

Holding On

"We live in war, rest in peace 
Using hope as a shield when swinging swords against the Beast 
Wondering if I got a tragic life ahead of me 
Cause on my roads to riches: traffic lights are never green 
My imagination is restricted by a migraine 
When I try to paint a perfect picture in my mind frame 
Dreaded how times change 
Friends using drugs and alcohol as anaesthetics for life pain "
- Rhyme Asylum

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The other day I finished writing an assignment for my Negotiation unit.

I had to write about a weakness I could isolate from my negotiation skills/performance.
I found that my particular weakness was that I was all too eager to give in to what the other party wants in order to retain an amiable relationship with that other party.

"Winner takes all. Oh who am I kidding, you can have it all. I just like holding your hand"

It makes me reflect on how this desire to be liked by those around you - even strangers who's opinions should matter for naught, is an interesting factor in the outcome of our personalities.
Though I considered this to be a weakness, in essence, everyone shares this attribute.
It is our psychological, and I daresay physiological need to belong (Maslow, anyone?) - to connect with other people and to feel like a part of a collective.

As much as someone desires to be an "individual" and assert that they are 'different to everyone else'; at the core of this assurance is the longing to be adored and by setting themselves apart from the horde, ironically, connect with the collective.

"Screw you guys, I'm a DRAGON!!" "but dude, you're just an egg like the rest of us"

My man Eric Hoffer says it best:
"To a man utterly without a sense of belonging, mere life is all that matters. It is the only reality in an eternity of nothingness, and he clings to it with shameless despair."

Boys and Men

Although both are of the same gender, species and family, there is a very big difference between boys and men. So different, you probably wouldn't even think they were of the same gender.

Firstly, perhaps the most crucial yet fundamental difference lies in what impresses them. Boys can be smitten and impressed  by the appearance of someone. That there, would be enough reason for them to go out of their way and attempt to 'lock this person down'. On the other side of the spectrum, you have men. Men are impressed by the way their partners minds work and how they are as a whole. No short skirts, tight tops and underwear parading will be enough to get them to lock you down. A ring is is a conversation away and the stimulation comes from the mind as opposed to the eyes.

I guess you could say that boys are more attracted by what they see and men are more attracted by what they hear. Breaking that down, this shows that boys and men can come from all ages. There is no age on maturity and no limit to idiocy.

Much love,

Monday, September 2, 2013

Death Derivatives

Talking with a friend about the inevitability and unfairness of death always gets me into a strange, poignant mood.

It is such a harsh reality that everyone has to meet their maker, and not all deaths are under "fair circumstances". Not only that, but there are those that meet their untimely demise without having had the chance to tick off their bucket list, or there are those poor souls that were just treated horribly up until the time of their passing.

Cyanide and Happiness

It's such a harsh reality, the unfairness of death is only reflected by the fairness of life that was experienced. And though most everyone wishes their memory to be honored; to be remembered with fondness, there are so many, too many, who pass on to the next life without being remembered.

These personal thoughts on death makes even the most oblivious individual to reflect on their own lives, and to make choices on how to fully "experience life", to maximize their hopes and dreams, their pleasures, their beliefs, their existence.

Death puns are funnily inapprorpiate

It's all a race against time. Will you become that person that you strive to be, to live the life you want to live, before death comes knocking at your door?