Monday, June 23, 2014

New Addition

I'd like to introduce the new addition to the family...

Our adorable Jack Russell x Pugalier is one cute dude.. and has the most adorable perpetually sad eyes I have ever seen. 

He also sleeps...

A lot.

Needless to say, the family is in love and it's going to be one hell of an adventure raising this little guy...

When he's finally awake, that is.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting Older

The White Walker

It's amazing that all it takes to bring down an entire empire is just the will of one person. I'm not sure where that's from but I'm using the quote very loosely to apply it to my own situation.

No Idea Dog Meme

Yesterday I was doing some "maintenance grooming", which is essentially just a fancy way of saying "I was trimming my pubic region" and I found it. And by "it" I think you know what I mean. It's the one thing that all people who are pushing the limits of their youth are fearful of finding.

My very first white hair... down there.

Kevin Hart MFW Face
MFW I found the white walker

There is something strangely prophetic about finding a white hair on your ballsack, and it seems like a rude wakeup call from your own body, reminding you that "hey, you're not getting any younger son".
Well here I am, standing in the bathroom with this single ominous pale follicle between my fingers, and all I can think in that one defining moment is Danny Glover's face looking at me with those big brown eyes going:

I'm getting too old for this shit meme
You Said It, Danny