Thursday, December 31, 2009


"I'll roll you up in paper, to hide you from the world
The fire licks at ashes, while straight lines start to curl.
Smoke leaps free of leaf skin, while buds proceed to burn,
The vibes so sure to follow, comprise the high I yearn."

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


'new year
new toys
new problems
new me?

same resolve'

"bring on the new year,
bring on the new friends,
bring on the new shocks and surprises,
But let us not forget,
just because you have something new,
doesn't mean you're replacing,
It just means you're adding,
bring on age, wisdom and happiness,
see you don't replace,
you add"

Monday, December 28, 2009


'george tran is lying on my bed.
read it how you like.
its all about perspective ;)'

"look at it from my perspective,
maybe then...
you'll see why it hurts"


'you're never alone
because i will be there
watching over you.
so when you're feeling lonely,
just ask
"what time is it?"
and ill be there"

"you don't have to be alone to feel lonely,
even with a hundred people surrounding me,
if your not by my side,
i still feel lonely"

Saturday, December 26, 2009


'game over.
but the mini games were fun'

"40...the age where if i'm still single,
i'll start to worry"

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas!

"on the first day of christmas
my true love said to me:

"i bet you just sang that sentence
in your head while you were reading it"

i just lost the game.
merry christmas guys!'

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


'"Everything will be ok in the end.
If its not ok, its not the end."

If he realizes what he wants
in the end
is you
You'll be glad you took the time
to let him figure it out himself.
The kettle never boils when you stare at it'

"when we avoid something,
it's not in the hope of deleting them,
we just don't want to face them,
so don't get offended if i avoid you,
i'm not deleting you out of my life,
i'm just pushing you aside,
until a better time comes"

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


'watched avatar in 3D.
everything is better when its in 3D ;)
it seems all cultures are the same.
the one with the coolest ride
gets the girl'

"it's usually the toughest rides,
that lead to the greatest destinations,
take love for instance,
it's a tough and complicated ride,
but it ends up leading you to happiness"


'lying is the absence of truth
so if i ask you something
and you say nothing,
thats lying.
you fker'

" you should check out,
my absence slip from high school,
oh how much,
i dislike you applicable maths"


'when im feeling insecure
my body has this reaction
where i just get an erection.
i can't control it.

oh yeah so in answer to your question,
yes im happy to see you =)'

"i only receive this feeling twice,
the first is when i look in the mirror,
the second,
is when i see you with her"

Saturday, December 19, 2009


'sorry is just an excuse
to make the same mistake again'

"sorry, is just another word,
to make us feel better,
used too much,
but never enough,
when it's needed most"

Friday, December 18, 2009


"I have a fetish for pain.
I know,
because i enjoy getting bitten
and i also enjoy your company.'

"the difference between pain and hurt?
hurt is when you fall off your bicycle,
pain is when you watch the one you love,
fall in love with someone else"

Thursday, December 17, 2009


'i hate when i'm driving
and i see something spectacularly stunning
walking on the footpath.
it demands my attention,
and i must oblige and turn my head.
its unfair how beautiful girls are these days.
but i know how to stop getting distracted by these wonderous creatures.
my secret?
you in my passenger seat =X'

"distract me from sleeping,
distract me from dreaming,
what does that mean to me?
means that you make reality,
better then dreaming :$"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


'the line:
"im different,
im not like the others
im special"
is that - just a lie.
don't fall for it.

unless that person is me.'

"when i tell you "you're special"
i think you're cute,
when you try to be cute
i'm gonna think you're special the head"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


'way is the manner in which
i answer my phone
if you don't get it
call me and find out'

"i go out of my way to get you to notice me,
you go out of your way,
to make sure you don't notice how i feel"


'confidence has the effect of giving someone an attractive cover
cockiness has the effect of making people run for cover.'

"if you can appear confident,
you can get away with anything ;)"

Sunday, December 13, 2009


'i've never seen anyone so unimpressed and disinterested
in a beautiful sunrise
"nothing i haven't seen before"
i wonder if im any different to that sunrise'

"look babe, i'm not the solar system,
and you're not pluto,
just cause they decided you were
small and insignificant in my life
doesn't mean, i'm gonna neglect you
and erase you as one of the main features,
you may not be good enough
to be a planet to them,
but you'll always be a planet to me"

sunday morning =)

It's Sunday morning. scratch that. It's 9:36am on a Sunday morning and i'm awake. the funny thing is, that's not the saddest part. I've been awake for about 2 hours now waiting for work to begin. so let me explain how this all happened...sigh

OK, so i'm sleeping like a good kiddiewink and someone comes in my room at 7:32am and I wake up and due to this horrendous/ incredible beach weather I can't go back to sleep. So now, i'm kinda sleep deprived awaiting work. joy =) Due to this new found boredom, i have revived my gorgeous blog and decided to blog about this =)

what else? chrissie is coming up!!! =) so excited. LOVE chrissie. It's absolutely adorable, having everyone celebrate something on the same day. No workies. Just absolute relaxation. =) epichappy face bout that. I miss the good old days,where the only thought that crossed your mind, was whether or not you could make it to the other side of the monkey bars. It seems that, as we age, everything seems more complicated. It really should become simpler, cause as we grow, we gain knowledge which should help us find answers. But, then again, as we age, we are more open to the world and therefore have more to answer. sigh

last note, what's on my playlist? good charlotte? nope =) i'm currently addicted to "what you say" from Jason Derulo. download it guys, it's epic =)

Anywho, i'll let you guys go now

epic love,

lil ms chatterbox


'"yeah feels like I'm getting kinda dependent
and that's dangerous especially with someone like you"

i never quite knew what she meant.
or rather,
i refused to comprehend it.'

As much as we would like to believe it's true,
no one is really independent,
we will always depend on something or someone,
the only difference is...
the degree of our dependence,
AS we grow, we just become less dependent
but believe me,
you will never be 100% independent =)

Friday, December 11, 2009


'today as i was thinking
about what to write for this post
a customer told me off for not paying attention
and looking distracted.
i wonder if that was meant to happen?
destiny you got me!
you sneaky bitch'

"destiny is just another word,
for not having a choice,
well said superman =)
but even if it was destiny to meet you
it's hope and faith that determine the rest"


'"Blowjobs are a fact of life"

Another fact of life:
Out of sight
Out of mind


On a flight
Still on my mind.'

"life =fact
dreams = fiction
but that doesn't mean they're mutually exclusive
just remember,
if you can dream it
you can become it
bring your dream to life=)"


'it takes a lot less effort
to just go with the flow
than to come up with a strategy.
the difference in outcome
depends largely on your ability to improvise.
and how cute you are ;)'

"using my best strategy,
i still can't get you,
using no strategy,
and she gets you,
maybe i should quit this foolish game
and leave the strategies,
to the board games"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


'i used to think there was only 7 deadly sins:
Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Wrath, Gluttony.
but then i found another one.

"look at me with your sinister eyes,
and i know you couldn't hurt me
look at me with your innocent eyes,
and i know i could hurt you"

lil ms chatterbox =)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


'if i say jump
you ask "why?"
if he says jump
i ask "how high?"
if you say jump
i jump straight into the sky'

let's play jump rope =)
where you have to know the exact time to jump,
kinda like life,
if you jump into situations to early,
you're gonna get hurt
if you jump too late,
you're out of the game
but if you jump at the right time,
you avoid both situations =)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


'the great thing about being a sales consultant
is that your opinion actually matters.
the bad thing is
some customers are too stubborn to listen.
wait sorry did i say customers?
i meant YOU'

it actually hurts to say this,
how the opinions of others can change us so much,
we value ourselves on how much we can...
think for ourselves, act for ourselves and just be ourselves
but when others opinions,
affect us this bad,
it just sucks, cause we know it's true
it's not like they're intentionally trying to screw us over
it's just them reminding us about the world
and its social standards.

Friday, December 4, 2009


'when i stop trying
you stop caring.
when you stop caring
i start trying.
problem is,
when you stop trying
i can't stop caring'

sometimes it's easier not to try
cause when we try
it leads to expectations
and when we don't meet those expectations
it leads to disappointments
that's why,
i can't bother trying with you :)


'nothings great about being the chosen one
too much power and responsibility
no matter what world or dimension I live in,
Morpheous > Neo'

even if you're chosen
does it mean anything?
unless you choose them back


'they that you're nobody unless somebody loves you
but what if no-one loves that person?
then nobody loves you'

it's when somebody makes you feel like somebody
that you feel like somebody
but when that persons gone
it makes you feel like you're nobody
and thats when you realise
you need anybody
just to make you feel like somebody

Thursday, December 3, 2009


'i like to cut myself out
of pictures of us.
and replace me with a cutout of fabio
the most beautiful man on earth.
but i can't cut you out,
because there is no woman on this earth
more beautiful than you'

"to be honest, i really don't like photos,
hence me always untagging myself on fb,
why?, cause i only have 3 options
1.) practice posing in the mirror
2.) stop taking photos
3.) become more attractive
i don't think any are gonna happen any time soon"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


'there is nothing more satisfying
than having a clean room.
actually i lie.
there is nothing more satisfying
than getting someone else
to clean your room.
im such a lucky boy'

one thing i can't stand about you,
is that you think you're so clean,
why? cause you don't drink much, don't smoke or do drugs,
just cause you don't do those things doesn't mean you're clean,
look at how many people you hurt,
with your constant assumptions, accusations and judgements,
yeah you may be clean in a sense,
but heck, your closets pretty dirty too,
you have quite a lot of skeletons in there,
see, you're not so clean after all.

lil ms chatterbox


'i gave him matching wings.
but it always seems that i am
the genesis to your angeal.'

dear ms angel chen
It's your birthday,
it was awesome,
had so much fun,
hope you had an apic night,
since you're an epic girl =)
hope you didn't get too drunk,
but you deserve a break =)
next time, we'll drop the cocktails,
and get a kit kat =)

lil ms chatterbox =)