Saturday, April 30, 2011


'i'm sorry for the stupid things I do.
I'm sorry that I have too much pride to say it.
I'm sorry that I feel like this willl give me an excuse to do this stupid crap again
and i'm sorry i'm using this naitivity as a poor excuse'


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


'Is it possible to meet someone and think they're completely average, get to know them, find them amazing, just to think they're completely average by the end of it? '


Friday, April 22, 2011


"why does doing bad things feel so good?"

there is no right or wrong,
only right and morally wrong.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


'Just realise this...I never closed the door on you. It was always left ajar in the hope that you would try and open it. '



'That moment you realise you just wanna test your limits cause you've learnt not to give a crap'


Monday, April 18, 2011


'everyone has their own ulterior motives. fk the universe. i knew it.
when the hell am I ever going to learn?'


Friday, April 15, 2011


"its funny really, how life works.
the things you try to hold on to, you try to remember,
those are what you end up losing.
And everything you try to forget or throw away,
those are the things that stay..."


and i'm getting tired of trying...



'I thank you for the way I am.
I blame myself for the way I am :)'


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

double edge

'this has become my double edge sword.
decimating my brain and every other part of me that's not already in pain.'



'Weak, naive and stupid. Who knew a crack could create such a harsh repercussion?' -lmc

Saturday, April 9, 2011


'I will always care more than necessary.
You will always mean more than necessary.'


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


'Is this content, acceptance or denial?'


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


'remember when I became a nothing to you?
well here's my retaliation...

'f*ck you and goodbye'

I've learnt to lose all respect for you'



' So this is what 'burning out' feels like. Not as bad as expected, lol. People are too dramatic.'


Sunday, April 3, 2011


' No, I never really did believe you. Thanks for showing me I was right.'


Friday, April 1, 2011


'When you have a broken heart, Getting up in the morning and going to bed at night are probably the hardest part of the day. But get up, knowing today brings another day, and go to bed, realising you just survived another day. You're a lot stronger than you believe. Weak in the sense that you allow thoughts to become reality, strong in the sense that you allow thoughts to become reality. Your weakness is your strength so don't allow it to get the best of you.
Think wise, act rationally and don't change who you are just because somebody changed the way you look at life. Be nice, play nice, for the reason of your recent contempt is only temporary. Get upset, get angry but in saying that...let go and move on. Don't cry about something that is completely beyond your control. Navigate away from the thoughts that are breaking you down and focus them on something that will generate a benefit for you.
It's perfectly reasonable and understandable for you to think about it once in a while, but don't allow it to control your life. You're better than that, even if you can't see that now.'
