Friday, April 30, 2010


'give me back the key to my heart,
for i miss the freedom i use to have,
let my mind do some resting,
and allow my heart to do the thinking'


'2 more hours until i lose my freedom
im gona miss it.
as much as im gona miss who i am.
maybe i can prove that good guys dont come last.
they come on you ;)


Thursday, April 29, 2010


'building these walls to see who cares enough to break them,
taking down these walls realising nobody wants to break them,
realise nobody wants to break something that wasn't even whole to start with,
rebuilding these walls until i establish a firm wall.
There's no point breaking something that wasn't even whole to start with'


'when a heart breaks no it don't break even.
pieces of you, pieces of me.
like diamonds on the floor.

or so i've heard.'


Wednesday, April 28, 2010


'you remind me of nacho's
sperately the layers are pretty nice,
and together it still taste good,
it even looks good,
but once you peel that top layer off,
you're left with nothing but boring bits of corn chips
and we all know....nobody wants that crap'



'i'm happy with the end of this chapter,
for this does not mean the end of a book,
but rather, the beginning of a sequel ;)'


'vegetarian food annoys me to no end.
especially vegetarian nachos.
because todays word is supposed to be nachos.
this is why you should listen.
end of story.'


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


'your warmth melts my icey heart,
once it melts it just pours out,
you call it emotions, i call it tears,
and you wonder why i try to stay away'


'i am mother nature's natural heater
i radiate love and care
i can melt the coldest hearts
so hug me if you dare'


Monday, April 26, 2010


'Someone is knocking at your gate
It is time for your date
So alluring and seductive, it must be Fate.
Better hurry, better make haste
You do not want to make Fate wait
For Fate will find another mate
And that pain is hard to mitigate
Cos there's nothing worse than being late'


' If it was up to fate for me to meet you,
then it was up to me, to let you go'


Saturday, April 24, 2010


'karma's a bitch
but only to bitches.
I must've racked up some 'Nice' karma points though
to have you in my life =)
or maybe you're my punishment.'


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

live, laugh, cry

"who the eff do you think you are?"

Maybe it's the coffee, maybe its due to sleep depreivation or maybe it's due to the fact that you're a total asshole. No seriously, who do you think you are? don't walk into my ife when it's in your best interest and walk out when i need you. Don't think you can come back in when you FEEL like it and expect everything to be normal. We don't live on the set of FRIENDS. You don't come back and expect everything to harmonise. If anything, this life is like passions, come back and expect some weird crap to happen. fk you.


Friday, April 16, 2010

bad habits

"bad habits die hard"

that doesn't mean we can't kill them though.
It's gonna be tough but that doesn't mean i can't do it.
It just means I have to try a tad bit harder.
Be my addiction, be my routine, be my habit.
if i can build your significance in my mind, i sure can break it down as well.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

what if?

I've always been the type to love "what if?" situations. You know the type? where one little move could have changed your life? yeah, i like those. well yeah, i usually do anyway. why? They give you insight and they allow you to explore your mind. In these type of situations you can replay the moves you made in your mind but change that ONE move you made that could have changed everything. End result? a different ending each time :) But lately, i've started to dislike these situations. I can't be bothered thinking about what if certain things had actually happened because at the end of the day...they didn't, and there's probably a good reason why they didn't. I'm starting to believe in destiny again, starting to believe everything happens for a reason. I don't know destiny's intention quite yet, but i'm excited for what's about to come :) I think this time i'll sit back, relax and watch what happens and just accept everything that gets put in front of me. happiness or adversity, it doesn't's destined to happen regardless :)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today I store a total of 3 jackets...
cause i'm awesome like that

I need to return...
my sisters jacket
nj's jacket
eddies jacket

about to go to asia meeting. I hope there's another tehre i can steal ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010


It worries me that i'm more worried about the weight that i'm going to gain from exams, then i am about the exams themselves.
I guess you would be too if you had people telling you that you would look "totally effed if you gained weight"
I have lovely friends :$

on a minor note, does it ever cross your mind whether or not somebody is thinking about you the same time you're thining about them? LOl, that wouldn't be hard for some cause i'm constantly thinking of them, buti guess i just seive through the thoughts in their head.

minor note, i had a 3 hour nap cause i fail at study and slept on my notes. I might just sleep now :) I hope all goes well tomorrow :)

lmc :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010


blood is thicker than water.
I think it's time to stop playing nice.
stupid two faced ass. who the eff do u think you are?
If destiny was kind enough to have never allowed us to meet, we probably wouldn't even be able to say we've exchanged words in our lifetime. why? because i would have never made an effort to get to know you.

This is why i hate studying. It makes me cranky as hell and lets thoughts into the cracks of my mind. The end result? my inner bitch being released. Piss me off and you're a dead man walking.

lmc :)


I should start handing out chances. Observing my actions, all i can see is a bitch at work. I hand out chances, and the moment you take it, i take it back. The moment you don't want it I hand it back to you. It's like passing a child candy. You only want to give it when they don't want it.
Life is so amusing.

lmc :)

motivation :)

People are lazy. eos.
There is no such thing as being "too stupid to study". You're just lazy.
For those that claim they can't go to school to study etc. because they're "dumb"'re not dumb, you're just lazy. It's like watching obese people eating maccas and claiming they can't lose weight because their genes won't allow them too. Once again, you're just lazy.
There is no such thing as can't.

"if you can dream it, you can become it"
:) eos

lmc :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

today in a nutshell

Some fun little quotes from today...

"i like you, cause you're not like one of those asians with an asian accent, you have like a mix between an american and british accent" i call bs
"for some weird reason you look very 1940's today" Must be the curly hair and the baggs underneath my eyes
"i love you helene, you're so weird i like you" LOL, you make me feel sane, but i appreciate you for it :)
"why do you seem to act like every race, except your own?" cause asians are ave dear
"you have work at 8am tomorrow" gfg

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


want- sleep
need- a life
have- great friends :) chrystals back! yayayayayayay!
lost- my outer bitch
gained- perspective
gave- time
received- yours :)
lack- confidence
desire- something else

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious."


Monday, April 5, 2010


sometimes it takes an act of bravery,
in order to step up and follow suite.
never force yourself to be ready for something,
unless you really are.
be inspired
inspiration has no timeline.

talking about timelines, in order to move on to the future,
you must let go of the past,
don't grab my hand and dragged me to your future,
when i can't let go of the past.
it'll just mean i'll drag the past in the future.
timelines. They don't match me well.

lmc :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


i'm tired of your bs and i'm tired of caring
i'm tired of pretending it doesn't bother me when it does.
i'm tired of making effort to a useless cause
and i'm tired of you.

But sleep won't do, caffeine won't work, cause even when we're tired it just makes us realise what we do need. Sometimes in order to see things we need to be slightly intoxiated. If you have my life minus the tiring aspects you're left with nothing. I may be tired, but at least i know what i need.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Don't tell me i need to be more dedicated,
when you don't acknowledge what I do.
Just because i don't give my all,
doesn't mean i don't care,
it just makes you not worth the hassle.
My mind needs to go somewhere,
maybe it's time to focus.