Sunday, November 29, 2009


'some people mask their sadness with a smile
and others mask their triumphs with nonchalance.
i mask my boredom with you'

"sometimes its hard to be ourselves
sometimes we lack the confidence we need,
so we wear a mask to be ourselves
perhaps that's why some girls wear makeup,
perhaps that's why some guys, hide behind their helments while playing sport,
sometimes i wish i could give you a mask,
so you can be yourself when others aren't looking"

lil ms chatterbox

Saturday, November 28, 2009


'i miss some of my old routines
like eating breakfast.
or seeing you.
i wonder if they're interrelated'

"the first meal of the day,
the first thing i think about when i wake up,
it may be a break from fasting,
but it's also a break from everything else,
when you think about breakfast
you tend to only think bout what you're gonna eat
nomnomnom...breakie in about 7 hours" =)


'Genghis Khan, ruler of the mongols
Nazim Khan, ruler of statistics.
What they both had in common?
Trying to unite gooks towards a common goal'

"I suck at history,
i won't when i got khan
i had to google dictionary it,
it defined khan as a leader or mogul
but if genghis and nazim have the surname khan,
and were both leaders or moguls,
does that mean the word derived from their surname?
or is it a coincidink?
i told you i suck at history"

Friday, November 27, 2009


'it's not showing up uninvited,
and let in
that proves your likability
its whether or not you're asked to stay.'

"Just because you're not invited to something
doesn't mean you're uninvited
it simply just means,
you weren't important enough
to be invited =)"

Thursday, November 26, 2009


'When you pull the trigger
and the bullet leaves that gun,
nothing can bring it back
and all your left with is the aftermath that follows.
Just like words'

"i try to think like a rationale person,
so i try to think about the aftermath of situations,
but when i do, i over analyse,
I either end up chickenening out,
or just have high expectations and get disappointed
so ive learnt that sometimes we shouldn't think about the aftermath
until it comes, and that way
u don't get disappointed =)"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


'pretending is a fantasy
that is never as good as the real thing.
like playing house when you're a kid
or pretending to scuba dive in your bathtub.
or sitting on your hand till its numb
and pretending its someone elses'

stop pretending to think i'm funny
stop pretending that you're my friend
stop pretending that you don't talk about me behind my back
stop pretending to be nice to me
stop pretending that you like me
cause when i find out the truth
it hurts more then it would if i had never knew you

lil ms chatterbox

Monday, November 23, 2009

ave + confidence =awesome?

i haven't really blogged for a while, so i guess i'll blog today. Wow, through the many days that i have neglected this blog i have learnt so much, yet, i have way too little time to write about it. scratch that. I have no life, i have time, but i'd rather spend my time on BBF ;)

Anyways, I guess i should blog about something i've learnt today, so here it goes...

Lesson number 7: If you can appear confident you can get away with anything =)

If anyone knows me, they would know one main thing about me, and that is...i'm a scaredy cat. It gets so bad to the point that if it's past 8pm and there are stars outside, you would probably have to walk me to my door. that's how scared i get. Which reminds me of last night ;). No i'm joking, LOL. What happened last night was when i was in a car with my friend and her phone rang, i LITERALLY screamed my head off. yeah, that bad. I probably shoudn't have watched nightmare on elm street as a kid. THat thing scarred me for life. Ever wonder why i'm so sleep depreived? Jokes. LOL, it's cause of my addiction with coffee. crap, i ramble. Apologies =)

Anyways, as i was saying, i'm a coward. Heck i know it. If i'm meeting someone new, i'll appear confident and say hi, laugh a little, smile a little, talk...a lot BUT anyways, i'll still be scared and heck, i'll probably be shaking. But you know what? i seem confident and so people assume i am. So they just assume that i'm naturally good with people. You can apply this to work, interviews etc.

Lol, you're prob wondering why i'm telling you this, but it's because at work, sometimes, you may not have the right answers, but if you just smile and talk as if you do, they're gonna believe you. Anyways, when in doubt, just appear confident and you can pull anything off =) ever wonder why ave guys sometimes get the best girls ;)

that is all,

epic love,

lil ms chatterbox


'having a geng poster with no wall to hang it on
is pointless.
same as having a geng story with no-one to tell it to'

Sometimes we build walls to protect ourselves,
perhaps we want to protect our homes, our belongings or our well being
so at the end of the day, we can feel secure
that no one will invade our space
but then again,
Sometimes walls aren't put up to keep people out
but to see who really cares enough to break them down.

lil ms chatterbox

Sunday, November 22, 2009


'it is time to find out the answer
to the age old question:
"How Stoned Is Too Stoned?"
Game or not?'

"life's not only a journey,
It's a roadtrip,
we're given the map,
we just need to learn how to read it"

lil ms chatterbox =)

Saturday, November 21, 2009


'Barbie is a manufactured specimen of beauty
made of plastic.
Though you are made of flesh and bones,
I find you just as beautiful.'

"plastic not only hurts the environment,
it hurts us too...
when people get plastic surgery,
that attempt to correct their "flaws"
yet, little do they know
it's the perfect imperfections
that make people attractive
and by correcting them,
you lose that part of you that makes you special

Thursday, November 19, 2009


'We make excuses for not being able deal with things
by saying its complicated.
But really, things are really simple,
its just that we don't have the answer to deal with it.
But theres a simple way to find all the answers:
Game or Not?'

"it's the simple things that are the most effective,
it's the simple things i do that make my mum smile
It's the simple steps that take us to the right places
it's the simple words that are the most confusing
It's the simple actions that can change perceptions
it's the simple things you do that make me think about you"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


'There is so much diversity in cloth
You can use it to make tough uncomfortable textiles like:

Frieze (rough heavy woolen cloth)
Ingeo (polylactide fibre blended with other fibres)
Kelt (coarse fabric made of black and white wool)
Aramid (used for flame-retardant clothing, cut-protection, and armor)

But it can also make soft and comfortable textiles like:

Saxony (fine soft woollen fabric)
Angora (silk-like fabric made from wool of angora goats)
Georgette (think silk, no joke!)
Organza (transparent thin silk or nylon)

There's a cloth for every occasion, and every person'

people underestimate the use of cloth
really, its a form of material used for so many things
some rely on it to clean,
yet some rely on it for the dream,
that some prince will come along
perhaps when you're crying
or fell down and made yourself dirty
in which the prince will pass you a piece of cloth
to help you clean yourself and get you back on your feet

the lollipop or the licorice?

life lesson 6: quality over quantity

when i was younger, i remember at school they had like 5c licorice and lollipops for like 40c. Every time i felt like candy, i would always go for the licorice cause i got 8 as opposed to the 1 lollipop. So even if i felt like lollipops, i chose the licorice. I know, it's weird and everyone would tell me to get the lollipop because at the end of the day its what you got not how much. Needless to say, i didn't really understand what they meant. SERIOUSLY, 8 licorices or ONE lollipop. you do the math. =)

AS i blog at like 1:30am? i'm home from an epic day with my friends =)
Today I had so much fun with the girls just talking and chilling and not really doing much and yet it was so much fun. Don't worry leonard, i'll mention you in this one cause i LOLLED so much when i typed the title of my blog on your computer and you already had it on. LOL, yeah i guess you are my bff. special mentions =)

But anyways, as I sit here, i think about how much i would rather just spend my time with my what 6? friends as opposed to the hundreds of acquaintances that i seem to have. I guess, i've finally realised that it is quality over quantity. I guess this is what growing up is really about. Dropping the licorice and going for the lollipop. Finally, I can enjoy the lollipop without the feeling of greed for more. =)

epic love,
lil ms chatterbox
p.s. i'll edit later. i'm kinda tired so i know the writing is hideous so i'll fix it up later, just wanna make sure that i didnt forget this =)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


'Only talking about happy things forever
will never equate to being happy forever.
You got to get through the dark tunnel
To get to the light at the end'

as i say, there are two ways of explaining things...honestly and politely
i guess that also explains how people perceive you...
when you talk politely about the world, you're seen as optimistic
yet when you talk honestly, you're being pessimistic

lil ms chatterbox

Monday, November 16, 2009


"To forgive calls upon our love
to forget calls upon our strength.
Being able to forgive and forget
would require both.

I'm getting so tired.'

"you can never get the best of both worlds
you can forgive but not forget
or you can forget and not bother about forgiving
but if you think you can forgive AND forget
stop fooling yourself,
no ones that stupid.
it's the only way we learn from our mistakes."

epic love,

lil ms chatterbox

Sunday, November 15, 2009


'I sit here contemplating
thinking back, commiserating
about how we met, it was titillating
the thrill of questioning, probing, mentally eviscerating
i know you found it quite irritating
but how could i stop it was so captivating
there were actually times when you'd be reciprocating
having opinions and stories, replying, engaging, deliberating
those times are the most memorable, the most liberating
I tried to woo you, being charming, sweet and foolishly serenading
but you'd never consider the possibility of ever dating
I have never found anyone so achingly challenging, so expostulating
game or not! i'll make you mine, i was too cocky and calculating
but i lost the game and couldnt stop my feelings from accumulating
resulted in constant bickering and speculating, manipulating and postulating
the whole relationship was constantly up and down, adulating and aggravating
so many times i thought about leaving, then changing my mind and procrastinating
so many times i've apologised, so many times its emasculating
but i can never let you go, the pain is mutilating
who knew that love would be so debilitating.'

hmm, contemplation
thinking about it,
when you break it into small bits
you get "con"- in which we kinda associate with convict and hence fear
and "temp"in which its like a desire
so perhaps when we contemplate, really, all we wanna do is something, but have the fear that the other choice was better
lil ms chatterbox


'i got down on one knee
and i looked up at her,
a look of shock and surprise spreading over her face.
I pulled out from my pocket a little black box
opened it, and offered her the sparkling engagement ring.
But suddenly i stopped, a look of embarrassment and shame upon my face.
I can not put the ring on this beautiful woman's finger!
Immediately I regretted this proposal and got up and walked away.
Three steps it took, before i looked back at the crying amputee that i so dearly loved.
"I'm sorry, it just wasn't meant to be".

-moral of the story-
if you have a foot fetish,
don't marry a woman with no legs.
its just not gonna work '

"a ring is round
it has no ends
and that's how long
we'll be friends"

My friend told me that when we were 12
we no longer speak to one another.

Monday, November 9, 2009


They say great things come in pairs...a pair of eyes, ears, hands and yet we only have one heart. Perhaps this means we're not great until we find someone to pair our hearts with. =)


Omg, this is so epically awesome..i have a freakin blog.
anyways, read if you're bored, tired or hungry i suppose
oh btw, it's a co-blog
i'm ms chatterbox
and mr meng is the basket of strawberries
Now enjoy
and what else can i say except...welcome =)