Monday, September 8, 2014


I always knew that one day someone would have an immense power over me.

But never did I think, I would carry that power over someone too.

I'm simply, fascinated.

With Love,


Monday, June 23, 2014

New Addition

I'd like to introduce the new addition to the family...

Our adorable Jack Russell x Pugalier is one cute dude.. and has the most adorable perpetually sad eyes I have ever seen. 

He also sleeps...

A lot.

Needless to say, the family is in love and it's going to be one hell of an adventure raising this little guy...

When he's finally awake, that is.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Getting Older

The White Walker

It's amazing that all it takes to bring down an entire empire is just the will of one person. I'm not sure where that's from but I'm using the quote very loosely to apply it to my own situation.

No Idea Dog Meme

Yesterday I was doing some "maintenance grooming", which is essentially just a fancy way of saying "I was trimming my pubic region" and I found it. And by "it" I think you know what I mean. It's the one thing that all people who are pushing the limits of their youth are fearful of finding.

My very first white hair... down there.

Kevin Hart MFW Face
MFW I found the white walker

There is something strangely prophetic about finding a white hair on your ballsack, and it seems like a rude wakeup call from your own body, reminding you that "hey, you're not getting any younger son".
Well here I am, standing in the bathroom with this single ominous pale follicle between my fingers, and all I can think in that one defining moment is Danny Glover's face looking at me with those big brown eyes going:

I'm getting too old for this shit meme
You Said It, Danny

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Object Relations


It's always funny how your perception of self can differ so much from the judgement of others.
I think impetuous is my new favorite word of the month.

I literally Google'd "Impetuous" and this came up. PERFECT!

Sometimes it can feel like it's all just a bit too much, and well, consuming in so many ways.
To act without thought is not to say actions will not lead to ponderous lament of regret.

Maybe I need to take a step back. Get away to a nice little Bed and Breakfast and let it all wash away.

But where's the fun in that?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Work Relationships

Relationships Between You & Your Colleagues

For those that are in the know, I have been working at PerthWeb for nigh on a year (coming up in June). 

You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn, or even Google+.

The biggest change for me was definitely the full time hours, and the experience of delving into a whole new industry which I have had no previous (work) experience in.
PerthWeb Web Design Studio
PerthWeb - Web Design Studio
Like with any industry, the lingo and work processes was daunting to say the least - but what made the transition easier was the help of my fellow workmates. 
The work culture and level of support really is one of the most important factors in any organisation, and I feel that the hardworking yet at the same time chilled and relaxed environment really fosters a positive relationship among everyone in the office.

Smiley Faces for two Web Developers at PerthWeb
How I imagine I look with my office partner

Although working in an industry where sitting at your desk and staring at dual monitor screens for hours is essential (and the norm, I might add), it still feels like a close community where strangely enough you don't feel alone or isolated at all.

And in true Meng fashion, I managed to meet someone in the office who also shared my interests in Dota 2. Needless to say we are the offices' new geek couple! He has really become a crutch to me - my endless questions and thirst for knowledge would have probably enraged someone less patient. I am truly grateful :)

When SEO and Web Development get together in Perth
My office lover and I on our way to TraVinh

There is a moral to this little snippet of my life: your workmates/colleagues are essentially your new family. For those that work full time, you essentially spend more time with your colleagues than you do with your loved ones (this realization was a bit exasperating); so treat your workmates as your family. Be kind, be respectful, be helpful, and have fun whenever you can. Because nothing makes work more enjoyable than when you enjoy what you are doing, and having great people to work with.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


So recently due to some personal/professional reasons I have been feeling both bummed out AND stressed out :( Worry doesn't do me any good because I break out in pimples and I swear I have some white hairs in the woodworks.  

Garfield looking tired
It's never a bad time for a picture of Garfield

But most annoyingly, my sleep has been affected which results in annoying neck pains and a weird inexplicable cramp in my lower back. Enter my own personal superheroes at Perth Chiropractic - Oasis Chiropractic. Not only do they help with chronic headaches and my unfortunate neck pain, but they are great chiropractors for scoliosis - which is fantastic for my poor partner who has suffered from scoliosis since forever. 

If everyone treated each other the way chiropractors treated their patients I am pretty confident that the world would be a better (and backache-free) place!

Here's to hoping for a better nights sleep!

Garfield and friends having a nap

Monday, February 3, 2014


Happy Chinese New Year Everybody!

It's a double celebration for me as I turn a year older in the year of the HORSE!
Born in the year of the horse has been one of my greatest accomplishments,
which is kind of disappointing and sad. 
Just don't ask me "Why the long face?" because it's not funny after the 24th time.

2014 Year of the HORSE!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

That Time

It's THAT time. 

I can see it all around me. Everyone is on the move to buy their next big thing - a house. The epitome of "I've made it. I've grown up and now I have responsibilities and a mortgage - get on my levels!" kind of statement.

That feeling of watching those around you make their way towards ticking off another box really stirs a distinctive dichotomy of emotions within me - jealous yet proud.
This rat race that is life only feels so much more so when others around you achieve bigger goals and attain bigger things.

And like a jealous schoolgirl perving on her friend's newest impossibly-hot boyfriend's facebook, I took to the web to look at houses myself - because I like kicking a dog when its down, especially if I'm that particularly sad puppy.

As much as I used to hate going open home snooping with the family, I have to say I have a new profound respect for the amount of artistry and technique that goes into designing and building a house.
Special mentions and props to the people that come up with the names of these designs - the Grange, the Burlington, Grand Viento (ooh lala) - all of which I found in a particular Perth Home Design Library at Central Avenue Homes, where they make custom built homes.

Two Storey House from Central Avenue HomesCustom Built House from Central Avenue Homes

Obviously after a certain while my imaginary bank account that resided in my fantasy has grown exponentially and now I am looking at luxury 2 storey homes, cos hey - if my imagination can conjure the money for a luxury 2 storey house, it can surely conjure an aesthetically pleasing family of my own to go with it, right?

Now I am in full gear, reading about the builders and their ethos - if I'm going to build a fantasy house I better make sure I've got the right builders to do it :P I think these luxury custom luxury builders at Domination Homes have the winning motto "your home your way". And when it comes down to the nuts and bolts of it - having a house and having a home are two different things, and as long as those I love are able to make them one and the same - I'm happy enough. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Platinum from Domination HomesThe Metros from Domination HomesThe Seaview from Domination Homes