Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 30

Your reflection in the mirror

'imperfect. :)'


"god you're so cute
but why do your nipples look sad?"


Day 29

The person you want to tell everything to, but too afraid to

"My sister =X
There's so much she needs to know"


'there are so many things i want to tell you,
but than i would just seem weak and vulnerable.
I'm gonna be your strength when you feel weak.
And when all hell breaks loose,
and you're left standing in the middle of a big black hole,
i'll stand next to you, just so you don't feel alone.'


Day 28

Someone that changed your life

"You changed my life so much.
If it wasnt for you i would be a much bigger slut than what i am today
God knows what kind of diseases i would have if it wasnt for you.
Every dark cloud has its silver lining i suppose. "


'you, even though you may not realise it.
You shaped me to be the person i am.
I'm selfish, impatient at times immature,
but I have people willing to move mountains for me.
I guess i didn't turn out too badly ;)'


Day 27

The friendliest person you knew for only one day

"One very memorable customer.
She has a bf working up north so needed to buy a modem for him
Was super friendly and flirtacious =X
Very memorable because she was a ranga, so it changed my mind slightly
About all redheads not having souls.
Though, she came back in the following week, sporting a new blonde look.
I guess even rangas know theyre ave"


' i meet friendly people everyday.
But the friendliest person i've ever met was a customer i'm pretty sure.
Told me that any person to have me was gonna be lucky.
wait, that's not friendly, that's just complimenting.
whatever, she still sticks in my mind'


Day 26

The last person you made a pinky promise to

"hahaha its more like
the last person you made a pinky promise WITH
cos that would have to be pumpkin and you better keep your promise ! so i can hi5 you =X"


'i don't make promises.
promises are words fulfilled by empty actions,
just so we could have a moment or two,
of knowing we just gave someone the satisfaction of knowing we give a shit about them.'


Day 25

The person you know is going through the worst of times

"Mummy =( sorry i don't make it any easier for you"


'you. and i know it hurts and i know you wanna break down and cry.
But even if you did, you wouldn't show me nor tell me.
You've been my rock, or in dota terms, that goddam tree everyone runs to for good health.
I've always run to you and i guess you gave away all your strength when you kept passing it onto us. But now i'm at full health and i just wanna pass it to you.
Let me be the strength you don't have cause as i said,
even when the world puts you at your lowest,
i will never look down on you,
i'll simply stand next to you and tell them to look down on me as well.
cause with bitches like that, i really don't give a crap.
You are more important and i just wish you knew how much i cared.'


Day 24

The person that gave you your favourite memory

"Victor 'victorious' Ngoon
For his infamous quote on that infamous night.

"Once you pop, you can't stop!"

God i love that guy"


' Everyone seems to pass me one great memory i will never forget.
It's when i remember these memories i wish i never let go.
How is that possible?
I let go of people, not memories'


Day 23

The last person you kissed

"I dont actually remember her name but... ;)
Of course it was my from my lovely gf as I left her house
Nom nom nom"


'wished it was you'


Day 22

Someone you want to give a second chance to

"I waited for a whole year
And you finally came through
The second chance was always there
Cos I am Me, and You are You =)"


'Second chances aren't gviven, they're earned.
If you want a second chance you earn it back.
Make an effort to be in my life and i'll make an effort to stay in yours
end of story.'


Day 21

Someone you judged by their first impression

"I first met her at metrocity
A drunk skank falling about and trying to hookup with one of my friends
First impression: This chick is ave.
Second time i met her was when she came to business school from metros
Drunk, falling about AGAIN and bitch didn't even remember my name.
Second impression: This chick is a drunk bitch.
Third time i met her was at a friends birthday and she gave a glorious account
of her recent victory at hooking up with whoever.
Third impression: This chick is a skank.

2 Years on and that ave skanky drunk bitch is my girlfriend =) x


'Everyone. I judge everyone. Only difference is, i choose not to act on my judgments.
Sometimes when i meet someone i really don't wanna befriend cause of what i've heard, my mind works like Jane's on Brady bunch,
where it's like
' be friends. no they're a slut. be friends!'
yeah i' freakin weird.
But always see the worse in people and treat them as if you see the best.
I'm sorry if i judged you based on first impressions,
but the reason we're not close? yeah you actually fulfill those judgmemnts'


Thursday, September 23, 2010


sometimes you need to have that feeling?
you know the one? not to sound emo or anything,
but sometimes, you need to feel like you've lost everything
to realise,
-what you had, what you have and the shitload you have to gain.
i'm sorry i lost you, but i'll get you back.
you're with me, and i'm gonna make you stay even if i needa get superglue,
and i know you're gonna be in my future, even if i do have to stalk you

-lmc =.=
(me crying...cause i get all ugly and my eyes go small. oh wait they're the same size as asians LOLOL'

Monday, September 20, 2010


i'm sorry.
but i tried. I really did. All i've known is to give it my all.
But when your all is not enough, no other action can suffice,
so i'm left with words.
and all i can say is...
i'm sorry.


Day 20

The one that broke your heart the hardest

"Probably her.. or her."


'lol, wouldn't that mean someone's swapped positions with me?
yeah, i don't think so buddy.
this heart is made of ice,
it can't break, just shatter into pieces and melt.'


Day 19

Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

"You, when you're angry.
I dont like it when you're angry."


'my top 5


Day 18

The person that you wish you could be

"I wish I could be like Yu!(han)
So smart and brown and loved by all!
except I'd like also like to keep my balls"


'freakin sailor moon.
she's amazing.
end of story

lol jks, cause then i culd be a super hero and save lives :x'


Day 17

Someone from your childhood

"Thomas, my best friend in primary school
You were such a daydreamer
so innocent and cute!
I think you were my very first white friend =X
I wonder where you are now? and what you're doing?"


'it's weird how long we've known each other,
we're similar yet different and at different stages of our lives,
we're close.
But the vast majority of the time we're distant,
cause we're so goddam different.
but when we're close, we're tight and we're like superglue.
And that's when i realise we're similar.
because at the end of the day we're just little girls needing someone's shoulder to cry on.'


Friday, September 17, 2010

Helen :) why do you always seem so dog? as in, you dog everybody :@

so dear friend that ask me to write this on my own account. lol. you sad little thing but being the epic awesome person i am, i will tell the world why i am so epic at being dog.

1.) my schedule is freakin tight as. it's why i don't sleep.
2.) I don't like social events. i'd rather keep to myself
3.) i don't like people.
4.) i'm quality over quantity so i'd rather 5 close friends than a bajillion more friends. LOL thus, i really do put all my focus/ attention on those people
5.) i stay steady with people so the more often i see you, the more i try to make sure i see you that regular amount
6.) if i don't make plans with you or i avoid plans with you, then obviously i don't like you very much.
7.)the minute you dog me, i will dog you just to piss you off.
8.) i'm not a very nice person
9.) wtf, i saw u today. why would u call me dog? ass. LOl

and that is why i am a dog. i am sorry but the minute you walk away, it means someone else can creep in. LOL i'm sorry.

Ask me anything

Thursday, September 16, 2010

one of those days

it's just one of those days where you just don't wanna be around anyone just because u don't need to be.
yeah, one of those days where you're just angry.
don't take it personally, but i just don't like you sometimes.
don't take it personally, but you piss me off for no reason.
don't take it personally, but i can't trust you anymore.

write the word, say it out. It means absolutely shit all without an action behind it.
a promise in the dark hey? i can hear it but i can't see a goddam thing and don't tell me to get glasses cause i have 20/20 vision ass.

Day 16?

Someone that’s not in your state/country

Miss chrystal copland :)
you missy, make me so goddam proud and i know what you think.
yeah, we're only friends cause of our love for coffee...and the mirror.
nah jks, you my dear, have been my bestie for about 7 years now.
Even though it seems our worlds are polars of one another, we both still make an effort to catch up. You're gorgeoous, amazing, smart and have an amazing personality :)
you are acvtual proof that distance makes the heart grow fonder :)
LOL we'd probably kill each otehr by now if you stayed in perth.
oh golly, us and our schitzo personalities :x
you my dear, are freakion epic.



"All my relatives! If only my chinese was better =("


Day 15:)

The person you miss the most

- I would say the old me, just because she was caught in a tornado and barely survived. But guess what? fyl cause someone found her remains and she's coming back. Oh no, poor things...the bitch is back!
oh wait, she never left to begin with. lol, the focus of her bitchiness was just somewhere else.
ahhhhh the lameness that is my life is making a comeback. See, if buffy could die and come back, why the hell can't I?
haha fyl and my lame analogies :D


"I miss my top 3 the most"


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 14

Someone you've drifted way from

"Nips. I'm sorry. but also disappointed."


'mr l.lim, my best friend :)
haha but we're getting back to normal again. i'm letting go and you're holding on :)
and at the end of the day when i'm upset you'll look down and tell me not to cry cause it'll make me look ugly:) lol, and you wonder why we're best friends ROFL

the cheerleader and jock of uni are back :x ROFL;)'


Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 13

Someone you wish could forgive you

'There is only one person that i wished forgiveness from.
And she finally has.

But on a smaller scale of seriousness, i'll borrow THIS from ness:

"oh! i know :)
( forgive me for breaking your heart. it wasn't intentional. i'm sorry )
x (insert number) :( "



pretty sure i ruined your high school life.
i'm sorry for being such a bitch but american media can really misguide you.
i thought i would be cool and powerful by being a vain mean girl,
but really i was just an asshole
i was the reason why girls had low self esteem.
i'm sorry. forgive me? if you don't, that sucks,
if you do, i won't believe it. lose.
this is why it's not cool to be mean'


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 12

The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

"I think honestly, the person i hate most
is Rusty Gates.
Everytime i see that soulless creepy four eyes
I rage. God i rage so hard.
The pain you bring to my eyes and ears is unfathomable.
His sister's kinda cute tho'


'pain comes from my thinking. nothing physical can really pain me,
cause that's where hurt comes in.
so the person that pains me the most?
the one's that cross my mind the most frequent
...but for the wrong reasons.'


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 11

A deceased person you wish you could talk to

'Michael Jackson. I have so many questions for you!

"SO did you really OD?
or did somone murder you? =O
Is the Illuminati real?
If they are how do i defeat them?
Do you think i'm cute?
and would you buy ME a bentley?
and mikey, can u please please please plaase teach me to moonwalk?"'


'marilyn monroe- for you are amazing.
your quotes make my day,
for your words are the driving force for the lives of many'


Day 10

Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

'The answer would be all of you.
There's just not enough time;
never enough time =(


'my family. they're the ones that will be left standing with you,
even when you feel like you're seven inches tall,
a foot from the floor,
and everybody's already slammed the door,
saving you from the fall. <3

-oh and then there's you leonard:)'


Thursday, September 9, 2010

I wonder if u have www.ask. fm account. would like to follow you there. it's like formspring, but smth new.

no,our forms spring isn't even popular :( u should ask me more questions so i can answer them and feel smart:)

Ask me anything

Day 9

'I would love to meet Rain.
If i did i would ask him to ravage me (no homo)
Then he would dance for me, (no homo)
and then we'd hold hands while he serenaded me with korean songs (no homo)
and then we'd fall asleep together (he'd be big spoon - no homo)'


'chace crawford. cause then...when i think of you, i won't have jason derulo
's 'what if' in my head. yeah, cause you don't even know my name :(

ohhh...and nelson mandela, for your strength inspires me,
your courage motivates me and your passion brings hope to me :)'


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

bitches be hating

'you know what?
fk off.
i'm sick of this'


day 8

'i don't like talking to you on msn, because you're better in person.
i like talking to you on msn, because you make things interesting.
you let me realise things.
I make you doubt things.
Both so different, yet so similar at the same time;)'


'4chan. nuff said.'


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 7

'i thought for sure i was in love with you
and you are the first to bring me even close to tears
if i was a more sentimental person i would have definitely shed a tear.
if i was a more intelligent person i would have done things differently.
if i was a more patient person i would have surely caught you.
damn wascaly wabbit'


'you let go, before you gave me the chance to hold on'

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 6

"A stranger is just a friend waiting to happen.
A stranger is the most exciting person in the world.
For they could be anyone you want them to be.
Or the person you least expect them to be.
Or the person you've always wanted to be.
Or the person you've always wanted to be With"


'at one point in your life everybody was a stranger.
your best friend, your partner, your frienemy
so what does that tell you?
never jusge a book by its cover.
you see all the crap your friends go through and you symapthise,
so when it comes to strangers,
be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting their own battles'

-lmc :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 5

"When I was a kid my dream was to be a clown.
15 years on and i guess I've kinda succeeded.
Joke's on me."


'me dream was to be a superhero, so i began idolising sailor moon.
then my dream was to have superpowers, so i managed to collect a group of friends to become the 'charmed ones'.
then my dream was to become a doctor to save lives, but my braincells failed me :(
now my dream is to save people.oh did i say dreams, i meant goals :)
you can't save everybody but i sure as hell can save somebody'


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 4

'She has so much potential but lacks discipline.
She's actually quite pretty but is way too vain.
She is lazy as all hell but helps out when needed.
She has a short temper and constant mood changes.
She once told me that the paint brand "WATTYL" meant:
"Western Ausralia, Talk To You Later"
She is friendly to all strangers.
She is too friendly to boys.
She is like a miniature version of myself.
She is my sister.'


'i do things that piss you off.
you do things that piss me off.
we get on each others nerves,
but at the end of the day
blood is thicker than water.
anywhere i go, in my grandest moments,
in the face of adversity...i know you'll be there.
and just like that, i'll move a mountain for you :)
even if they don't give me a shovel,
i'll dig with my hands, and move as moch of the mountain that i can.
Even if it's just cause you're too lazy to walk around it :)'



and sometimes i get these butterflies in my stomach when i see you.
i'm nervous, i shake, i even manage to stutter.
now, i'm not someone who's up for murder to any poor creature,
but those butterflies in my tummy?
yeah, they need to be murdered.



i wanna know why you treat me right, i wanna know why you hold me tight, each and every night, it keeps me up at night, thinking bout...
yeah no.
don't ask questions. don't even think that much, cause thinking can only create problems.
drama is created by our insecurities and over thinking situations. just smile and laugh. seriously
thinking can only cause baggs and apologies. lol. now lets not be the little trolls underneath bridges :)
sometimes living in denial is easier then living in reality :)

i think my skantasticness is making me sick. i needa start wearing more clothes. LOL
whooopsie doopsies. meh ;)
xx. lmc

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 3

My parents

-Because of you, i'm afraid of not giving it my all. i'm afraid to make mistakes. I'm afraid to make many choices in life.
I'm scared of hurting people. I'm scared of hurting me.
I think too much when i don't need to, i think too little when i do.
I have an ugly nose :( and my brain doesn't work half the time.
i get irritated at myself because i dont ever reach these impossible expectations i've set for myself.
I'm stubborn, sometimes selfish and get irritated easily.
BUt because of you, I have the strength to do so many thing.
I've reached limits that i thought were only seen by sailor moon.
I don't liek to judge and i try to help others out when possible. I put a smile on my face even when all is going into the crappy parts. I try my best. I have opportunities.
I have security and comfort when i need it. You make me smile when you try to be funny. You think i can excel at anything i do. I leanrt that there is such a thing as love :)

There's a million reasons to hate me, but thanks for loving the 10 parts of me everyone else forgets about.

'They gave me everything i could ever need.
So when the day comes i shall repay them,
with everything they could ever want.'


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dae 2

'My first crush was a girl in highschool.
Year 8 was a daunting time, new school, new possibilities, new responsibilities.
And new feelings =X
She was, in my minds eye, the perfect girl I thought.
She was (and still is) super smart, high class, elegant, and multi talented.
Everything I'm not so I guess that's where the attraction lay.
I thought I was in love, and did stupid ass things like follow her around school with a rose for Valentine's Day.
However like always I was too dorky and had terrible timing.
To think I lost out to a gwailo, GG my life.
I swore I would never love again, that no girl could ever hurt me like she did.
And THAT is how I became a jerk.
But thanks to you Lisan, I am who I am today.'


'in all honesty i hate having crushes cause they usually correlate with crushed hearts.
I think the hardest things about crushes is that they're never said,
and so all you can do is watch from a distance and try to play cool.
i think the worst things about crushes is that they make it hard to remain friends, which is why we silence them. lol but then again i am a cynic.
i think i'm gonna go sit in the corner now with my 50 cats now.
why have crushes when you can have cats? :x
my first crush was tuxedo mask, i blame him for me having to buy about 50 cats.
yeah him and him allowing me to have ridiculously high expectations for guys.'


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

changing seasons :)

grey cloud:
i miss the old me man. where the hell did she go?
seriously, reading my old posts. how emo was that. seriously.
that's just disgusting. it's called build a bridge and get over it, instead i've become that little ugly troll underneath it scaring the crap out of those poor goats.
poor goats that suffer cause i get upset at stupid things.
yeah i'm immature, insincere, selfish and an ass but i shouldn't burden others with it.
i've become hell ave. what's wrong with me?
silver lining :
I found my rocks again. :) i think i've finally gone back to earth. LOL
oh dear, how i've miss them. you don't actually realise what you've lost till it's found again cause you learn to loive without them but when they're back it's like the missing puzzle is put in. YOU think it doesn't make a differene but it changes the whole picture :)

who is your best friend?and you aren't allowed to say u don't have one and be all like "i dont have a best friend, i've just got lotsa good friends". none of that bs plx

meng- yuhan, no other words are needed for this one :)

Helen- I don't think i even have friends man, let alone best friends. I have rocks. they keep me stable and when i fly away i become a mess going no direction and they drag me back to earth and hold me down. i guess they're my 'best friends'. my rocks follow me everywhere i go amazingly enough. It just seems that sometimes we may distance ourselves cause someone moves them away or i fly away for a bit but sooner or later we reconnect. I don't have a permanant best friend. just permanent rocks, and i do my best to add not subtract them. lol, they're only subtracted when someone moves them, chips them and they change and aren't the same anymore. go figure.

Ask me anything