Wednesday, November 17, 2010


'there's always that concept of
'it's just too late'.
sometime we go about thinking there's still time for things, when really we know the expiration date is long gone, but we want it so bad that we go for it anyway.
but really, the expiration date is there for a reason. Most of the time it's there so we don't get sick from it and end up getting some weird ass sickness or diarrhea or some crap.
looking at this is like looking at a box of forrerro roche expired by 2 months. it's just two month's so you decide to just have a bite and eat it anyway. if finance taught me right, the risk may be worth the reward, and bamn, there it is.... your stomach starts to grumble and you realise you should have just bought a new packet with 3 pieces for like $ you.


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