Saturday, June 12, 2010


'trying to force myself to yack,
so i feel better,
has made me realise:
Purging yourself of your impurities
makes you feel weak, but better.
What doesn't kill you,
makes you stronger.
It takes a strong will
to admit weakness.
And so here I am,
The King of Purity'


'Gonna force myself to stop.
why? because i finally realise what's right and wrong.
This is wrong and i'm right for thinking so.
i bet you won't agree,
but it's time to stop.
Even if we don't want to,
it's time to force ourselves to.
It ends today. This hour, this minute, this :('


1 comment:

  1. :( :(
    the end for being able to get the best of both worlds
