Friday, March 14, 2014

Work Relationships

Relationships Between You & Your Colleagues

For those that are in the know, I have been working at PerthWeb for nigh on a year (coming up in June). 

You can follow us on Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn, or even Google+.

The biggest change for me was definitely the full time hours, and the experience of delving into a whole new industry which I have had no previous (work) experience in.
PerthWeb Web Design Studio
PerthWeb - Web Design Studio
Like with any industry, the lingo and work processes was daunting to say the least - but what made the transition easier was the help of my fellow workmates. 
The work culture and level of support really is one of the most important factors in any organisation, and I feel that the hardworking yet at the same time chilled and relaxed environment really fosters a positive relationship among everyone in the office.

Smiley Faces for two Web Developers at PerthWeb
How I imagine I look with my office partner

Although working in an industry where sitting at your desk and staring at dual monitor screens for hours is essential (and the norm, I might add), it still feels like a close community where strangely enough you don't feel alone or isolated at all.

And in true Meng fashion, I managed to meet someone in the office who also shared my interests in Dota 2. Needless to say we are the offices' new geek couple! He has really become a crutch to me - my endless questions and thirst for knowledge would have probably enraged someone less patient. I am truly grateful :)

When SEO and Web Development get together in Perth
My office lover and I on our way to TraVinh

There is a moral to this little snippet of my life: your workmates/colleagues are essentially your new family. For those that work full time, you essentially spend more time with your colleagues than you do with your loved ones (this realization was a bit exasperating); so treat your workmates as your family. Be kind, be respectful, be helpful, and have fun whenever you can. Because nothing makes work more enjoyable than when you enjoy what you are doing, and having great people to work with.

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