Monday, November 23, 2009

ave + confidence =awesome?

i haven't really blogged for a while, so i guess i'll blog today. Wow, through the many days that i have neglected this blog i have learnt so much, yet, i have way too little time to write about it. scratch that. I have no life, i have time, but i'd rather spend my time on BBF ;)

Anyways, I guess i should blog about something i've learnt today, so here it goes...

Lesson number 7: If you can appear confident you can get away with anything =)

If anyone knows me, they would know one main thing about me, and that is...i'm a scaredy cat. It gets so bad to the point that if it's past 8pm and there are stars outside, you would probably have to walk me to my door. that's how scared i get. Which reminds me of last night ;). No i'm joking, LOL. What happened last night was when i was in a car with my friend and her phone rang, i LITERALLY screamed my head off. yeah, that bad. I probably shoudn't have watched nightmare on elm street as a kid. THat thing scarred me for life. Ever wonder why i'm so sleep depreived? Jokes. LOL, it's cause of my addiction with coffee. crap, i ramble. Apologies =)

Anyways, as i was saying, i'm a coward. Heck i know it. If i'm meeting someone new, i'll appear confident and say hi, laugh a little, smile a little, talk...a lot BUT anyways, i'll still be scared and heck, i'll probably be shaking. But you know what? i seem confident and so people assume i am. So they just assume that i'm naturally good with people. You can apply this to work, interviews etc.

Lol, you're prob wondering why i'm telling you this, but it's because at work, sometimes, you may not have the right answers, but if you just smile and talk as if you do, they're gonna believe you. Anyways, when in doubt, just appear confident and you can pull anything off =) ever wonder why ave guys sometimes get the best girls ;)

that is all,

epic love,

lil ms chatterbox

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