Thursday, March 4, 2010


this is probably gonna be my last post in a while :)

BUT BUT don't u love it when u read something you wrote a while back and that's what i was like? i found those "25 things about me" on fb again :) from like yr 12? i guess i haven't changed that much but I cant believe i use to think about that. its actually kidna cute. It made me go nawwwwww......

imma post it up here, so if it ends up being myt last post for a while at least u guys can have epic long time reading it :)

25 reasons why i'm so goddam awesome

1. the three main important things in my life are family, friends and buddha. Oh yeh, i wrote it

2. When i was younger, i wanted to be a superhero like sailor moon....cause she's awesome and has tuxedo mask

3. My all time favorite fairy tale is cinderella. i don't care if they say she is a bitch...she's the one that ends up with the prince.

4. I always have to have cookies and milk before i sleep. Maybe that's why santa never came, I was always a greedy bitch and ate his

5. I'm currently in a war with's a war i can never win

6. Going back to 5, I'm a total binger. I tell myself i won't eat something and end up eating 20 pieces of it. Vania you should know this well.

7. I'm a lazy nerd. Does that make sense? I have to get good scores or i basically cry BUT i never really take the initiative to do well. e.g. not going to any of the uwa orientations. tsk tsk tsk

8. I actually believe the sexiest thing about someone is their smile. Who would you walk up to, the person pouting or the one having an awesome time?

9. I have my chinese new year money from the last 5 yrs or so. I think it's like accumulated luck, call me weird but i'm probably luckier then you =D

10.If someone hits on me, i'm so shocked that i probably won't even realize it till the next day when someone tells me. Sad i know, but i actually think everyone is just really friendly

11. When i say i need my beauty sleep, i'm not being vain, i probably do. If i don't have at least 8 hours sleep i get like a weird epicanthic eye fold that looks real asian

12. I once saw an action movie where the guy jumps in a moving car and thought it looked really cool so i decided to try it when evonne was driving- ended up just hitting my head on the door. Do you remember evonne?

13. i've probably seen every friends episode at least 3 times. I love love that show, they are just...well aweome

14. To get the latest news on anything i go on I basically go on that everyday now. See what holidays have done to me?

15. Every time i watch the lion king i cry. it's the saddest movie ever. OK not really but if you don't're probably a robot

16. I'm a cheese whore. i eat mountains of it. I put about 3 cm's of it on a hot dog.

17. My favourite types of books are the ones where the girl ends up with guy. a.ka any meg cabot books. a.k.a usually what oprah suggests

18. I have kept every birthday card i have received, so if you think it doesn't matter. It does, it's the only thing i keep from birthdays cause they make me smile when i'm down

19. I only cry in front of people i can absolutely trust. don't know why, but i don't feel comfortable crying in front of other people...

20. I will usually make fun of myself if i think it'll be funny, sometimes i look weird cause it's just me left there laughing to myself.

21. i say things in the moment. If its mean, i don't mean it and if i hurt people i'm sorry. I usually feel bad for a couple of days when i say something horrid

22. I only hold grudges if the person has something absolutely horrible to me, otherwise i'll talk to you again in about....2 hours. I have too much to say i guess

23. the thought of being a doctor is so appealing, not because it earns a shit load amount of money but because you can save lives and can bring people together creating happiness. everyone deserves to be happy.

24. Just because you do a "bad thing" in someones eyes like smoke, do drugs whatever, doesn't make you a bad person. Your only a "bad"person if you have done something that has hurt someone else.

25.if you can make me smile/ laugh you're more attractive then someone with a six pack.

actually its feb 18th last year. haha, one year since i wrote this :) i feel like going back on all my posts and reading them now :S Now i know why sago tells me never to delete my posts :)

talk soon hopefully ;)
little miss chatterbox

p.s. epic love <3 <3 <3

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